October 17, 2022

Entering the Fray! Vashon AIR!!

Is the COVID pandemic over? Some are acting like it; yet many who are immune compromised know that it is not over, people are still getting […]
August 22, 2022

Memoir Group Ceremony & Poetry Updates!!

Year-Long Creative NonFiction Manuscript Cohort 2021-2022 with Anne Liu Kellor  Completion, with Celebration Ceremony & Ritual on August 13th We met together in real time after […]
March 29, 2022

Musing on Memoir!!

It is exciting when a small section of my memoir writing is accepted, especially when it is by a medical univeristy! The Muse McMaster University in […]
January 21, 2022

2021 Poetry Accomplishments

The Literary Parrot is available on Amazon, it contains my poem, The Addition of Audience: A Meditation, from my book truth be bold—Serenading Life & Death […]
December 19, 2021

But You Don’t Look Sick

Anthology Now Available!! “But You Don’t Look Sick: The Real Life Adventures of Fibro Bitches, Lupus Warriors, and Super Heros Battling Invisible Illnesses” is available for […]
November 1, 2021

World AIDS Day & Publications!

Two Events on World AIDS Day! Through Positive Eyes Artivists will tell their stories. This rare opportunity will touch your heart and open your awareness. Use the […]
August 18, 2021

Summer Comes to Fruition!

Julene’s Memoir News: I’m pleased that I was accepted into a memoir writing program! In September I start a Year-long Creative Nonfiction Manuscript Program for Womxn […]
June 26, 2021

Ebook Debut! No Father Can Save Her

Ebook Release: No Father Can Save Her!   My first full-size poetry book, No Father Can Save Her, published in 2011, is now an Ebook! Autobiographical from […]