Writing: Anthologies, Interviews, Essays
Bi Women Quarterly Essay published! December 2024
My Mentor: Audre Lorde, Hunter College
On Tuesday October 25, 1983, Audre entered the classroom like a storm, asking, “Do you know what happened today?” She threw her huge handbag filled with books onto the desk. We sat in silence. “Today is not class as usual. The United States is invading my home country, Granada. My family and friends are at risk!” She gave a long impassioned speech about the history of U.S. imperialism. I began to understand how our country manipulated other countries.

The Power of the feminine I, Volume II Poems from the feminine perspective
Edited by Christal Ann Rice & Donna Biffar, they chose and published my poem "Bad Girls."

The Power of the feminine i, Volume II Poems from the feminine perspective
Edited by Christal Ann Rice & Donna Biffar, they chose and published my poem "Bad Girls"
Edited by Christal Ann Rice & Donna Biffar, they chose and published my poem "Bad Girls"
Rumors Secrets & Lies: Poems About Pregnancy, Abortion & Choice
Edited by Carol Lynne Knight & Kristine Snodgrass, they chose and published my poem "Two Fetuses Aborted"
Live reading during AWP in Seattle, 2023

Songs of Revolution: Poems Against Oppression

Two of my poems: "Futility," an ekphrastic poem based on J.M.W. Turner, Strand bei Calais, Fischerfrauen sammein Koder ein, 1830 (below); and "A Call for the Lost," are published in this anthology available online. All funds from sales will be donated to Palestine.

Jack Straw Writing Fellow (2023)
My essay, Avoiding Burnout in a 365/24/7 Work Environment, was published in the Jack Straw Anthology, and read to an audience on May 19th. Available on Jack Straw’s YouTube channel. The anthology is available at Open Books & at Jack Straw.
My essay, Babes with AIDS, about the beginning and forming of the organization The Babes Network, was read at Folklife, on Center Stage, on May 29th. This essay won Honorary Mention in the Christopher Hewitt Award Contest ran by A&U Magazine, 2022. Both of these works are part of my memoir in progress. My reading can be watched on my YouTube channel.

I Sing the Salmon Home

Washington State Poet Laureate Rena Priest chose my poem “Salmon: Our Northwest Pride,” to include in this beautiful book, I Sing the Salmon Home: Poems from Washington State, published by Empty Bowl Press.
See the press website for announcements of readings and to purchase this beautiful book. Empty Bowl Press will be contributing to the good efforts of the nonprofit organization Save Our wild Salmon to preserve wild salmon runs.
A Guide to Creative Writing and the Imagination
A Guide to Creative Writing and the Imagination, is a great book to use as a teaching guide in creative writing, it is for the multicultural, global, and digital generation.
A collaboration conceived by Kris Saknussemm, I’m proud to have an interview on poetry and my poem, "Bus Stop in San Antonio," included. Published in 2022 it is sold through Amazon, Powell’s, Walmart, and other outlets. Ruteledge Press in the UK is a global publisher of academic books, journals and online resources in the humanities and social sciences.