Taos Reading at SOMOS!!! from “Slow Now with Clear Skies”
September 24, 2024

SW Trip First stop was Albuquerque for the Balloon Festival. We did the afternoon into evening with the Glow, a drone show then fireworks. Sunday we attended a matinee Flamingo dance at the Albuquerque Hotel. For five days our friend introduced us to SW food and culture.
Then on to Taos where I gave a reading at SOMOS with the former poet laureate of Taos, Catherine Stririk, explored the Rio Grande, including a natural hot springs along the river. We took a pueblo tour, visited Earthship Biotechture, and the ski center.
Next to Santa Fe, viewed three films at Santa Fe International Film Festival, Ojo Calenti, walked Canyon Road, and a publication celebration for the Santa Fe Literary Review.
I had the opportunity to fill a vacated spot and read at Geronimo’s Books! A great second hand bookstore with new books by local authors. With these two reading my friends in the Southwest were able to hear me read. A totally successful trip.
2025 Readings from “Slow Now with Clear Skies”
Cultivating Voices Zoom Reading! Sunday, January 12th, 2025 at Noon. No fee. Registration Link!
Honey Moon Mead and Cider! Thursday, February 20th, 2025. Feature reader with Open mike. Come out to hear me read live. Address: 1053 N State St, Bellingham, WA 98225
Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference! May 22-24, 2025. I’ll run two “Poeming Health” Workshops & give a reading.
Ghost City Feature Reading in Vancouver, WA! Thursday, November 13th, 2025 with Open Mike. More information will follow.
Additional readings will be announced.
Buy “Slow Now with Clear Skies” for yourself or for a gift!
Five brick and mortor stores: Village Books in Bellingham, BookTree in Kirkland. Open Books a poetry bookstore in downtown Seattle, Nook and Crannie a friendly store on 15th Avenue on Capitol Hill in Seattle, and at Geronmio’s Books in Santa Fe!! And of course online in all the usual places: Amazon, Bookshop.org, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, indiebooks.org. And . . .Seattle Public Library now has copies!!!
My book is recommended on The Poetry Department . . . Aka The Boyton Blog community creativity from Watcom County to promote author’s books on their “Gift wrap your local poet” list as Christmas and other holidays approach.
AN ASK!! If you read my book and like it, please consider writing a review, or a few words or sentences about your experience! On any of the sites online where books are purchased, or on Goodreads. This means so much to help me get the word out. A note a friend in the SW sent, “I have been reading your beautiful, brilliant book. Holy cow, your visual writing is both powerful and such a great read.”
A Second ASK!! Ask your library to carry “Slow Now with Clear Skies.” It has a Library of Congress Number and is ready to be entered into any libraries system.
Publications: Poems & an Essay!
“Trail of Dust” and “No Means No” were published in Anti-Heroin Chic, 8/4/24
“Skymall Year” was published in Mad Swirl on 9/3/24, and included in their monthly, The Best of Mad Swirl,
“A Witch Blessing” and “Coming Out of COVID” were published in Verse-Virtual, 10/1/24
“Entering where Truth Resides—Our AIDS Memorial Mandala” was published in HEAL, Humanism Evolving through Art & Literature, 11/15/24
“a spring memory of love” was published by Periwinkle Pelican, 11/24/24
“There was a time” was published on Lana Hechtman’s blog Poem to Poem, 11/25/24
I”m thrilled to announce, my prose poem, “Those of Us Who Aborted,” in Slow Now with Clear Skies was nominated by MoonPath Press for a PUSHCART PRIZE!!! Plus, it is published in Ghost Town Anthology 3, out of Vancouver, WA.
My poems, “Election Grief” and “Decision About Owning a Pet,” are published in Anti-Heroin Chic, 12/3/24.
Essay, “My Mentor: Audre Lorde, Hunter College” published in the Bi Women Quarterly for their theme, Mentor. 12/24